Staff Profile: Kevin Shaw

Kevin Shaw - Statistician & Communications

Stats & Website History:
  • M2 Rockets - 2007/08
  • M2 Hawks - 2006/07
  • B1 Hawks - 2005/06
  • B2 Rangers - 2004/05
Personal Bio:
Born and raised in Regina, SK.  I never played hockey but I've watched it my entire life. I'm currently enduring my 31st year season ticket holder of the Regina Pats. You may not know who I am but I will be in the stands with a clipboard keeping track of the team stats.

I work the Salvation Army Waterston Centre Men's shelter (for the last 12 years).

I guess most people that know me would say that I eat, sleep and breathe hockey. I would have to go with the other staff members and say that my true passion in life is HOCKEY.